Mozaik “Centar svijeta”

Ludbreg je ponosan na sve svoje legende, a posebice na sve verzije priče o „centru svijeta“. Uz cintor crkve Presvetog Trojstva, sa sjeverne strane nalazi se mozaik „ Centar svijeta“ koji i simbolički i opipljivo povezuje Ludbreg s tom legendom. Otkriven je 1996. godine kada se počeo slaviti Dan centra svijeta.

“Center of the World” mosaic

Ludbreg is proud of all his legends, and especially of all versions of the “center of the world” story. Next to the cemetery of the Church of the Holy Trinity, on the north side, there is a mosaic “Center of the World” that both symbolically and tangibly connects Ludbreg with that legend. It was discovered in 1996, when the Day of the Center of the World began to be celebrated.